23 / 06 / 2016
Which is the working principle of Heat Pump and refrigeration cycle and from what parts is consisted of?

The refrigeration circle that is used in the usual air conditioning units is based on the compression cycle with compressor of vapors. The main parts of a compressor cycle are the compressor (it absorbs and compresses the refrigerant vapor), the condenser (it condenses the refrigerant vapor), the expansion device (it expansions the refrigerant, adjusting the quantity of the refrigerant to the evaporator so as to be proportional to the cooling loads of the room), the evaporator (it evaporates the refrigerant absorbing heat from the room to be cooled). The refrigeration cycle in practice is accompanied by many auxiliary parts that are related to the safe and economical operation of the unit (filters, valves, 4-way valve, pressure regulators, defrost system etc).
When the system operates in heating mode, the outdoor coil becomes the evaporator, at the same time the indoor becomes the condenser and absorbs heat from the refrigerant which is being dissipated to the air that comes out. The air of the outside environment at any temperature above or at 0°C has heat energy in it. The evaporator (outdoor coil) is absorbing the heat from the air; it is compressed and then sent to the condenser (indoor coil). The indoor coil releases the heat in to the air handler and then the air is released throughout the house.
- While the system is operating in cooling mode, the outdoor coil is the condenser and the indoor coil the evaporator. In this case the heat is absorbed by the house and released to the outdoor environment.